Monday, July 5, 2010

Check Error before Doing Full Encoding with Bencos or RealAnime

You must have felt annoyed, when after waiting so long in encoding process, it has an error (usually in the audio encoding, the very end part). Therefore, before we do a full encoding, Ought we checks it by using software Total Video Converter (TVC) (or other).

Here'sthe way:
1. Select the file you want to encode
2. Selectthe format conversions that avi (Xvid)
3. Select Advanced, and then setting the initial time and finally,make three or five seconds in duration.
4. After the conversion is complete, try to encode using bencos or realanime. If successful, then proceed with Full Encode. If an error occurs, then it will fail too.

I hope, this tips can help you, Good luck!


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