Monday, January 10, 2011

Make Posting for Blog in Offline Mode with "Firefox Portable + Scribefire"

I have tried many blog offline tool to create a blog or a new post in offline mode, but they have many disadvantages. But, with "Firefox Portable + Scribefire", we can do it well, and we can make the blog in offline on any computer, because the file can be saved in removable media like flashdisk, and also quite easy to use and the features is complete enough (such as uploading pictures (in online mode), preview directly in our blog (Can be viewed in Offline mode!!), etc) and also free ^ ^!!. Here I will give a method to integrate portable firefox with "scribefire firefox" and "scribefire next". To do so, we must do it in Online.

Note: use it on your own flashdisk or your own hardisk, because this application do direct log in. If this application is gotten by other people, you can lost your blog and email!!

Here is the method:
1. Download Firefox Portable & add-ons for Scribefire here
(Note: Inside the archives = Firefox 3.6.13; scribefire; scribefire next
2. When both scribefires completed installed, then restart your Firefox portable
3. After that, use scribefire with push F8 button or open in tools menu, click scribefire that has F8 sign (This is Scribefire Firefox). Then, register your blog.
4. Done!! Now, you can edit your post in offline mode as many you want!! and later can be published in online mode.

See, scribefire firefox has bigger function than the "Next". However, both of them have different disadvantage, but also have different advantages. Therefore, we can combine them to cover the weakness.

The advantage after combine them
1. if you want to set a font color in scribefire firefox, it won't work. Then use scribefire next to solve this.
Make a font color in scribefire next, then copy the texts

You can backup this posting by copy "scribefire.sqlite". It is located in:
You can also do backups the blog and setting. Go to setting, then sync, then choose export.

Proof: (!! This post, I do with this application ^ ^!!)

This "Firefox Portable + Scribefire" is very helpful for me ... I hope, may also be useful for you too...


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